The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Robert Browning’s 1842 poem is introduced by Dr David Stewart, who traces the origin and inspiration for ‘A child’s story’ in a short essay. The verse follows the text of the first British printing. It is accompanied by 10 evocative linocut illustrations by John Watson, reproduced from metal blocks.

Printed on Fabriano Ingres Buff. 24 pages printed in black and red–brown. The verse is hand-set in 14pt Walbaum Italic and the essay in 10D Sabon, with 14D Solemnis for the display lines. 253mm x 182mm.

Bounding: 50 copies with yellow cloth spines, red printed side papers and yellow endpapers; 50 copies with red cloth spines, yellow printed side papers and red endpapers. The text pages and French folded and stab stitched.

Limited to 100 copies for sale, May 2022.

Price £60.00 plus postage

Email us to order a copy.


Jack W Stauffacher – Typographic Environments


Claude Garamond