Oxford Fine Press Book Association 2023


Corvus Works on show at the Oxford Examination Schools, and the Christmas Dinner at St Cross College, 9th and 10th December

Hermann Zapf’s Hunt Roman


Two sizes of this beautiful type have ben added to the Zapf collection of faces. A large fount of 24D together with a strong fount in the 16D size.


New types added

Ernst Schneidler’s Mediaeval in 20, 24 and 28 punkt Didot, and 16 and 20 punkt Didot Legende.


Exhibiting at the Ludlow Fine Press Book Fair

Great to catch up with friends old and new at the first face-to-first opportunity for longtime. Organised by Ludlow Bookbinders, hopefully it might become an annual event.

Books were also on show at the virtual Oak Knoll Fest in early November and the Paul Valéry book is on show at the ‘To Have and To Hold’ exhibition at Reed Contemporary Books in Bath until 27 November 2021 http://www.reedcontemporarybooks.com/latestnews.html


The 16 punkt Didot Sabon is strengthened with more Antiqua, Kursiv and Halbfett


The Hermann Zapf Virtuosa types have been added to, with a little more 16 and 24 pt Didot sizes


Parenthesis 40 — nearing publication, spring 2021

Contributions for 40th edition of the deluxe portfolio are closing. Corvus Work broadside is printed and ready to go out to the binder. Words by the late Sir Harold Evans, typeset in Walbaum with metal rules, three colours.

24 point Walbaum Roman and Italic have recently been strengthened with new type supplied by the Bixler Type Foundry, New York.

24 point Walbaum Roman and Italic have recently been strengthened with new type supplied by the Bixler Type Foundry, New York.

A recent publication cataloguing the work of Swiss graphic designer, Rosmarie Tissi features some project work undertaken by Christopher. The work, for New Leaf Associates, is still held in his personal archive.

A recent publication cataloguing the work of Swiss graphic designer, Rosmarie Tissi features some project work undertaken by Christopher. The work, for New Leaf Associates, is still held in his personal archive.

Corvus Works display at NCAD Dubli.jpeg

Corvus Works goes on display in the printing rooms at the National College of Art & Design, Dublin.

Organised by Jamie Murphy at the Salvage Press.